How to the Problem with of erectile function after 40 years

Potency is a kind of Marker for men's well-being in physical and psychological terms. This delicate sphere of influences and various environmental factors related to nutrition, ecology, bad habits, Stress, and chronic diseases, with age, acquired. Most often, the impotence is temporary, rarely is a Symptom for a serious pathology. Can understand the expert. The increase in the potency of the urologist in men after 40 years – one of the directions of the activity, or any other doctor.

what is potency

What is potency

From a medical point of view, potency defined as the ability to lead men to live a normal sex life. In a narrower sense, it is due to the emergence of erection and duration of sexual intercourse. The potency can not be equated with the rhythm of intimate relationships.

The male force is not dependent on the frequency of Sex. Maximum sexual possibilities achieved strong sex or full psychological comfort, or in the case of strong emotions, accompanied by the release of testosterone. To fall by the way, the level of this hormone after 35-40 years, begins each year by 1.5-2% in power, with the physiological reasons.

To accelerate this process are able to a variety of factors:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • the abuse of alcohol, particularly beer, which contains estrogens;
  • Lack of exercise and overweight;
  • metabolic syndrome, Diabetes mellitus;
  • Arteriosclerosis;
  • the use of synthetic Steroid compound.

Androgen deficiency in the body leads to the development of a range of problems from cardiovascular disease to erectile dysfunction (impotence).

The older the man, the less Libido and sexual activity. However, a healthy person is able to afford high-quality sex life well into old age, if you follow the instructions of your doctor and health consequences.

The reasons for the decrease in potency

Disorders of erection in men associated with the interruption of the nerve impulses from the structures of the brain to the centres of the spinal cord and the genitals. One distinguishes 2 groups of factors which interfere with the System of sexual arousal and cause problems with potency in the age of 40 years or even earlier – organic and psychological etiologies.

The former include:

The reasons for the decline of potency
  1. The chronic disease, the disruption of blood circulation in the male genitalia – heavy Phase hypertension, cardiovascular ischemia, and atherosclerosis.
  2. The promotion of a deterioration of the blood circulation – the big service age of Smoking, dependence on alcohol addictions, and other addictive substances.
  3. Severe Progressive neurological diseases (Parkinson's syndrome, multiple sclerosis), tumors of the spinal cord/brain, acute violation of cerebral circulation (stroke).
  4. Sexually transmitted infections (STDs).
  5. Decompensated Form of diabetes, which lead to the risk of small peripheral blood vessels, and disorder of tissue nutrition.
  6. Pathology of the thyroid gland (Hypo and hyperthyroidism).
  7. Inflammatory processes in the testicles, tumorous formation, trauma, and surgical interventions, you can.the cause of the termination or reduction in the production of testosterone
  8. Pathology of the genitourinary system – Prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma), cancer of the prostate.
  9. Violation of the integrity of the spinal cord (Trauma, fall, surgery).
  10. Long-term treatment with drugs from the groups of tranquilizers, sedatives, antidepressants, diuretic medicines.
  11. Frequent and long journeys on bikes and scooters – these activities can sometimes compression of the nerve, the sexual Organ will cause.

Psychogenic causes that lead to problems with erectile function in 40 years, are:

  • the fast pace of life, Stress, frequent Stress;
  • generalized anxiety disorders, depressive episodes;
  • "Midlife crisis";
  • Conflicts within the team and families;
  • constant overwork;
  • sexy fiasco in the past.

The exact cause of erectile dysfunction is not always possible, you may also need the participation of specialists in various fields (urologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, neurologist).

Symptoms of sexual weakness

Over the impotence is spoken, if the inability to commit the sexual acts will become a regular event, and it is expressed in violation of a whole complex of different indicators (presence of Libido, duration of erection, the psychological satisfaction).

The characteristic symptoms of impotence in men are expressed in the age of 40 years, such as:

Potency after 40
  1. Decreased Libido, weak the severity of the sexual desire.
  2. The difficulties with the emergence of the erection. When psychogenic impotence of nature, that can occur of the man spontaneous erections, but in the right Moment, the cock fills with blood. In the case of the organic nature of the dysfunction of the arousal, not quite (lack of a morning erection).
  3. The reduction in the rigidity and in the number of erection. This means that during the intimacy of Penis the necessary hardness can reach, in an elevated state for a long time.
  4. The impossibility of maintaining a long-lasting erection. During Sex the Penis may decrease and become lethargic.
  5. Quick Offensive ejaculation (premature ejaculation) – this is a Manifestation of the organic nature of impotence.

The emergence of the above symptoms should be warned of, is the Problem not even to solve it, you need the participation of the specialists. For the determination of the causes necessary to the research to the extent that the doctor prescribes individually for each patient. The diagnosis is made by the results of a comprehensive investigation.

General principles of therapy

The weakening of potency does not happen in a vacuum, it is important to find out the cause before starting therapy.

General information when a problem occurs in the genital area in men are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to see a specialist, an investigation to clarify the diagnosis. If necessary, you visit the experts in the field of psychiatry, neurology, endocrinology, cardiology.
  2. To try to avoid stressful situations, to revise, not to wear to work.
  3. Organize regular alternation of sleep and wakefulness, the night must rest at least 8 hours.
  4. Passive leisure activity to exclude on the weekend, play sports, exercise in the morning.
  5. Eat healthy and balanced – in the diet of proteins, vitamins, and trace elements in sufficient quantity should be. Helpful Seafood, Meat, Chicken, Nuts, Herbs, Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggs.
  6. Learning complex exercises to improve potency (e.g., according to the method of the cone) – the experts help.
  7. Have to give up or reduce to a Minimum presence in your life, tobacco, alcohol.
  8. Monitor pulse and blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol, regular medical examinations take place. The collected metrics must timely correct it.
  9. Get rid of overweight through diet, physical exercises and other methods on the advice of the doctor.
  10. Foci of infection rehabilitate, treat all existing chronic wounds.
  11. They maintain a relationship of trust, they exercise regularly, have Sex with all sorts of types with a wife or girlfriend. This helps the man, as husband, or friend, to overcome complexes, to achieve a strengthening of erection, especially when psychogenic erectile dysfunction.

As for the improvement of potency in men the natural way, after 40 years? We need to start with the organization of the regime of the day, the rejection of bad habits, changes in diet. In many cases, this is enough to give the power back to normal.

Drug Therapy

drug therapy

The right diet, a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and special exercises is an indispensable condition that they meet the men who want to reach you will increase the potency and save it for a long time.

If this is not enough, must resort to other methods, in particular, of drug therapy. The treatment is carried out after the establishment of the causes called erectile dysfunction.

What the Situation could be:

  • somatic pathology showed therapy according to the diagnosis (hypertension, cerebral atherosclerosis);
  • endocrine disorders – thyroid problems (hypothyroidism) of hormones to be treated, in the case of Diabetes, the Insulin is administered or sugar-reducing pills;
  • psychogenic disorders – and-effect with the help of drugs is achieved, which can significantly improve the blood flow to the Penis, medications, support the Libido, increase resistance to Stress.

The most common cause of psychogenic impotence, is the heal you only with complex methods, with the participation of different specialists.

Drugs are very popular, they allow an improvement in the quality of the Sex in adult men with unknown cause of the dysfunction. At observance of recommendations of the doctor, these drugs are safe. Rarely, in patients observed adverse reactions in the Form of increased blood pressure, headaches, allergies, or other symptoms that tell the doctor can be. In such cases, change repealed the dose or the drug. Only tips in the forums are managed is not necessary.

There are herbal medicines and food supplements to improve the quality of life and sexual activity of the men. Their effect is based on the biological Stimulation of the body with the healing power of plants. Nutritional supplements can in the case of Neuro-psychological situations as a tool to help with chronic fatigue, Stress,.

If the cause for the problems with the potency of the serious internal diseases and disorders of the blood flow in the vessels of the small pelvis are, the question of the restoration of erectile function, it must be decided by doctors of various disciplines in a comprehensive manner.

Traditional Methods

Homemade treatments to complement and enhance the effect of the primary therapy, sometimes medication can replace, if serious diseases in men found. Especially medicinal plants and bee products.

Recipes accumulated very much, here are some of them:

  1. Pine nuts (150 G) crushed, placed in a glass, add a Cup of sugar and pour a bottle of good vodka. Insist in a dark place, every day, several times stir. After 3 weeks, strain, fluid in the Bank, leaving the remaining group in a different container, pour the vodka again and hold for 3 weeks. Then drain, mix the two liquids. For the improvement of the potency to drink for half an hour after the meal and 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. First of all, you should drink a half of the whole of the elixir, then take a break for 10 days and repeat a dose of 1 tablespoon three times per day.
  2. Have raisins, various nuts (walnuts, forest, cedar, etc.), as well as dried apricots, prunes,. Just take a handful, crush, mix, and put it in a box. There fill to the top of the may honey liquid, close the lid and leave for a week. You eat in the morning on an empty stomach, starting with 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, after 10 days, gradually increase to 2 scoops. To repeat a course for 3 months, then a break for the same period and.
  3. Herbs thyme (100 G), pour a Liter of hot water in a thermos, put on 1-2 hours. Strain, during the day, drink as a tea 3-4 times, you can add a teaspoon of honey. Store no more than a day. Every day a new Infusion. Course 3 weeks, 2 weeks break and repeat 4 more times with the same dropouts. Then after 3-4 months, again undergo.

There are many different exercises to trace popular recipes, everyone will find to his taste, but be adhered possible contraindications. Therefore, it is better to consult your doctor.

exercises for potency

Exercises for potency

The blood improve circulation and increase help erection to find some well-known exercises that should be performed regularly, with a gradual increase in load, Videos on the Internet.

Here are some of them:

  • sit-UPS in the morning – start with 10-12, every day, the amount you can do with a barbell;
  • "Bicycle" – lying on the back, a Simulation of the movements of Cycling, such as Cycling;
  • "Bridge" – a difficult exercise, the cause to achieve initial difficulties, it is desirable to have the maximum possible uplift of the basin to the top;
  • Push-UPS – must remove only the upper part of the body, and try not to take the basin from the floor to scrape off, wherein the load on the abdominal muscles and the perineum;
  • "an exercise on all fours" – Inspirations fall back the buttocks on the heels, stretch, and again, without bending your hands, make a leisurely and dignified, pulls the spine;
  • you have to collect sitting on a chair,the porridge, the scattered on the seat between the testicles and Anus, the shoulders squared tipped, the body down a bit, by alternating contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the buttocks.

For the restoration of the potency of a series of exercises Kegel can. The essence in the exercise of the muscle between the Anus and testicles. There is an improvement in the blood circulation in the small pelvis and increases the strength and duration of the erection. Determine where this muscle, you can, if you can delay the water, the reduction of pubic hair feel.

Regularly twice a day you have to tighten and relax this Zone after 10 times within 2 weeks. During the exercises it is necessary to relax the beam to stop the urine for 2-3 seconds, then. To increase the delay time gradually. After 2 weeks, take a break for a few days, then repeat the 2-week course and up to one and a half months. As a result, a reduction in the muscle for 10 seconds. Such Training helps to preserve the erection during intercourse.

Man, after 40 years, gradually, to a period of physiological decline, which means absolutely, Offensive sexual weakness. In the case of the care for the health and presence in the vicinity of the sympathetic wife or partner there is no reason to fear the loss of sexual function in old age.